Back in 2018, five Regional Security Coordinators (RSCs) agreed to establish working group that will focus on better coordination of RSC services in different regions, with a goal to improve and align implementation of these services in whole Europe. Baltic RSC, Coreso, Nordic RSC, SCC Ltd. Belgrade and TSCNET founded RSC Working Table (RWT) with a following objectives:
- take care of all RSC topics of common interest;
- ensure orientation & alignment on subjects, the evaluation of encountered gaps and the development of common positions and solutions;
- allow to share resources among RSCs;
- provide a strong link and support to the ENTSO-E RSC project (from 2022 this was established with Steering Group Regional Coordination under ENTSO-E, since RSC project was finished);
- NOT tackle aspects with relevance from cartel or competition law perspective.
With the establishment of Selene CC in 2020, this RSC was included in RWT, as well. During 2022 RWT was renamed to RCC Working Table (keeping the same abbreviation RWT) due to the transition of majority RSCs to the role of Regional Coordination Centres (RCCs) according to the Regulation (EU) 2019/943, while initial objectives were aligned with these changes.
RWT meeting is organised five times per year, usually before ENTSO-E System Operation Committee (SOC) meetings. In order to prepare for RWT meeting, RWT SPOCs group is established from the beginning with following objectives:
- Achieve pre-alignment between the RCCs as much as possible;
- Overview of RCC resources in ENTSO-E and provide regular updates of this;
- Prepare material for RWT meetings.
On the 20th of September 2023, SCC Ltd. Belgrade had a pleasure to organise physical RWT meeting in our premises. As part of the meeting, a visit to the SCC premises was also organized. We had pleasure to host this meeting for 11 representatives coming from: Baltic RCC, Coreso, Nordic RCC, Selene CC and TSCNET, including several colleagues that were connected via video link. During this meeting we:
- Reviewed agenda for upcoming SOC meeting;
- Received valuable details and experiences from Nordic Stakeholder meeting and quick update on new Nordic RCC strategy;
- Achieved alignment on the RIAR service contractual setup;
- Achieved alignment regarding CGM MVS amendments;
- Overviewed work done in open-source project from Baltic RCC regarding European Merging Function (EMF) tool;
- Presented the status and possible next steps to continue the work related to the common EMF tooling;
- Received information about Training and Certification Working Group that operates under RWT;
- Discussed about governance and overview of RCC task on sizing and procurement of reserve capacity.
Chair of RWT and RWT SPOCs is determined on rotational basis between the RCCs, where each rotation is one year. SCC Ltd. Belgrade is foreseen to be the chair and coordinate the work of RWT in 2025 – in mean time we will continue to support work done in this valuable working group.